Website Accelerator Programs
Boost your websites without back–end code alterations

We have added a couple of Website Accelerator Programs in the Web Hosting Control Panel to enable you to almost instantly optimize the online functionality of your websites. You will not need to modify anything with the code or make specific configuration settings that require tech know–how from you. Inside the Web Hosting Control Panel, only choose the application you would like to implement – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js and generate an instance for it. It is all completed with a click of the mouse. By speeding up your web sites, you will not just stop your visitors from being required to hold but will also help your website get a better position in search engine results.
You will find the Website Accelerator Programs in the Advanced Resources section of the Web Hosting Control Panel.
RAM–caching instead of database calls
The Memcached platform is wonderful for improving site streaming rates by caching the data–base information that is inquired by your site visitors. It’s a powerful distributed memory object caching platform, allowing for data and objects to be cached in the RAM rather than being requested whenever an individual visits a website.
This tool is perfect for your data–base–driven web sites or apps where your web visitors invest lots of time searching as well as loading information. Memcached is located in the advanced resources section of the Web Hosting Control Panel.
RAM–memorizing as opposed to HTTP requests
If you have content–loaded dynamic websites with lot’s of photographs as well as videos, you will certainly have to be sure that your pages load very quickly for the visitors. A perfect tool you can utilize is the Varnish HTTP accelerator that will assist you to boost your sites without requiring that you have any special technical knowledge.
Varnish stores all requests to the web server within the server RAM and delivers the web pages instantly to the customer by preventing new requests towards the server. This way, all pages on your web site will be streamed 300 – 1000x times more quickly to your customers. You can even select whether the inbound requests will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the hosting server, and so forth.
For constructing quick and adaptable apps
Web programmers can use Node.js for establishing numerous high–performance and also affordable tools including business analytics, real time web apps and content management systems, to name some. It is really fast and flexible and is also powered by an active online community that keeps developing and sustaining it.
Node.js is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and makes use of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes its API adaptive and upgradeable. This specific progressive method permits designers to easily put together high end applications by only using a single language.